The Word Of God is at Work in You Who Believe
“The Word of God is at work in you who believe.” This Scripture text from the first Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians affirms a fundamental truth and teaching of the Catholic Church – the word of God is alive here and now, it is active in you and in the work of all who believe. That is why we are now in the midst of our Bishop’s Year of the Bible (text BYOB to 84576) to emphasize, by daily reading of the word of God, that Jesus, the Word of God, is alive and active in our times.
The challenges of the past year have proven again our need for God’s presence in our lives. Thanks be to God for his Holy Word!
My friends, because of you – even amid this pandemic – our Church has been able to sustain and expand its work feeding the poor, visiting the lonely, educating our children, anointing the dying, and burying the dead. These works of mercy, and many dozens of ministries and services across the diocese and in your parish, can only carry on with your renewed support of our annual Diocesan Services Appeal.
DSA contributions are put to use in the year received to offer direct assistance to individuals and families, to our parishes and schools. They help to provide for basic personal needs and counseling services for the most vulnerable in our communities, for vocational formation and seminarian education, for marriage preparation and life ministries, for the education and catechesis of our youth and young adults, for campus and hospital ministries and for helping others come to know the love of Jesus.
Our annual Diocesan Services Appeal is an opportunity to put God’s word into action, to participate personally in the many good works of our Catholic Church – several of which are featured in this edition of FAITH magazine.
I am grateful beyond words for the dedication, commitment and sacrifice of the people of the Church in the Diocese of Lansing. Thank you! And may God bless you for all that you do with and for one another.
Yours in Christ,
+Earl Boyea
Most Reverend Earl Boyea
Bishop of Lansing