Kathy Invites You to This Year’s Women’s Conference
‘It’s a day of highlights and a day of sisterhood’
‘It’s a day of highlights and a day of sisterhood’
The Women’s Conference in 2021 takes on the name Michigan Catholic Women’s Conference, as it will include women from all of the dioceses in the state. One longtime women’s conference attendee, Kathy Medich, has so enjoyed this annual event that she has become a part of the planning team. She says: “Our diocese has been described as a diocese looking outward – it makes perfect sense to have the conference this way, and even more now having been through everything we have been through with quarantines and isolation. To be with other faithful women and to absorb the beauty of our faith is a gift.”
The Women’s Conference in 2021 takes on the name Michigan Catholic Women’s Conference, as it will include women from all of the dioceses in the state. One longtime women’s conference attendee, Kathy Medich, has so enjoyed this annual event that she has become a part of the planning team. She says: “Our diocese has been described as a diocese looking outward – it makes perfect sense to have the conference this way, and even more now having been through everything we have been through with quarantines and isolation. To be with other faithful women and to absorb the beauty of our faith is a gift.”
One key aspect of Kathy’s deepening relationship with the Lord over the last few years has been her involvement in the diocesan women’s conference. She explains: “I attended the first one as a participant in 2012 and have been a part of the planning team ever since. That first year the overall feeling was that I was gripped. The love in the room and the thoughtfulness of preparation was palpable. It was a beautiful experience – it was such a good day. And I wanted to be a part of it. Ever since then, I’ve had bonds with other women through the conference. We all depend on each other but we are all relying on Jesus together.
“One standout moment was Father Mathias [Thelen] at one of the conferences when he encouraged the women to let go and allow God to heal their hearts – that was a powerful moment. Also, in 2019 we participated in a ‘stand for your sister’ exercise when we stood up in the breach of each other’s sins, turmoil and life experiences; it was amazing to see women standing to support each other. Even walking around with friends shopping at the vendors with my Christmas list in hand has been a standout moment at many conferences. It is always a blessed day.”
Kathy counts the women’s conference among the greatest opportunities she has had for fellowship and growth in the faith. “Being on the team for so many years, I’ve been able to not only have many moments of encountering the Lord, but also moments of seeing others encounter him,” she says.
The theme and focus of the gathering this year is “Outpouring: His Love – Our Hearts.” Speakers include Kelly Wahlquist, Sherry Wohlfert, Father Joe Krupp and Father Adam Maher. Kathy adds: “In addition to the speakers, we’ll also have Mass together. It really is a day of highlights. Adoration is a highlight of the day. The music – praising and lifting up is a highlight. Confession is available. Shopping the vendors. It’s a day of highlights and a day of sisterhood.
“To women deciding if they should go or not, I would say sisterhood is important. We know now more than ever how connectedness is important. We need each other. Women, in a particular way, need each other. We need to draw strength from others – so step away for the day. Come and get poured into.”
Women from across Michigan are invited to come together to focus on their faith and experience the fellowship of sisterhood in Christ Jesus. Throughout the day, women will be encouraged and inspired to ignite their spirits and grow their faith by hearing from Catholic speakers, engaging in praise and worship music and celebrating holy Mass with our bishops. The conference will be held at the Lansing Center in Lansing on Oct. 16, 2021. Registration is available now. Visit michigancwc.org for more information.
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