Immaculate Heart Retreat Center Fall 2021 Schedule
5 Day Icon Traditional Byzantine Iconography Workshop/Retreat
Sept. 29 – Oct. 3, 2021 - Immaculate Heart Retreat Center will be offering a 5 Day Icon Traditional Byzantine Iconography Workshop/Retreat titled “Praying and Painting the Mystery of St. Joseph.” The retreat director is Fr. Damian Higgins, Iconographer, Abbot of Mt Tabor.
Using traditional techniques and materials, Father will guide participants as they paint an icon with egg tempera on gesso. Pope Francis instituted this year as the Year of St. Joseph, husband of the Theotokos, foster-father of Jesus Christ, humble carpenter of Nazareth. No experience is necessary to paint this icon, and participants will have guidance throughout the workshop. All materials are provided by the leader. Icons will be blessed at the close of the retreat. $125 (non-refundable) to register, included in the $700 cost of the retreat. Meals, lodging, and snacks included.
Father Damian Higgins - Fr. Damian is a monk and priest of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, and a gifted iconographer and teacher. His work appears in cathedrals, churches, retreat centers, convents, monasteries, homes and offices around the world. Fr. Damian has taught iconography in Ukraine, Canada and the U.S.A., and he offers icon workshops throughout the year. Fr. Damian has now produced over 1,000 icons. He has offered spiritual direction, pastoral care, and teaching to many, as well as participating liturgically whenever he is invited, including offering daily Vespers.
Silent Day of Prayer on Archangel Raphael
Healer, Guide, Match-Maker and Friend
Sr. Mary Eucharista, SMMC
Oct. 13, 2021
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
$40 per person, ($50 with the use of a private room for the day)
Please register by call 448-1224 ext.100 or
Visit www.ihrc.net
Weekend Retreat on St. Joseph
Hidden Hero: The Man Christ called Abba
Sr. Mary Eucharista, SMMC
Oct. 15-17, 2021
6:30 pm arrive, 1:00 pm depart.
$212 per person, $324 couples, (includes two nights lodging and 5 meals) $126 commuters
Please register by call 448-1224 ext.100 or
Visit www.ihrc.net
Daily Virtual Retreats
Deacon John Ruscheinsky’s
Daily Virtual Retreats
Photo: Father Damien Higgins