Ignatian Retreat Opportunity at IHRC
Photo: Stations of the Cross Courtyard
Immaculate Heart Retreat Center will host an eight-day-long Ignatian silent retreat Aug. 8-15, titled: “Becoming More Aware of Jesus' love in the World and Rejoicing.” Conducted by Fr. Tom Lamanna, SJ, and Fr. J.K. Adams, SJ, the retreat will begin at 4:30 p.m. with registration before dinner, and end at 1 p.m. on after a closing lunch.
St. Ignatius has offered the Church the amazing gift of the Spiritual Exercises and the rules of discernment. Learn how discouragement and desolation are opportunities for connection with God. We are called to be people who live for God's love and in connection with God. The spiritual exercises help us to learn in a (w)holy way. This retreat costs $720 per person and is silent. Register by calling (509) 448-1224, or by visiting www.ihrc.net.
Biography of Retreat Leaders:
Father Tom Lamanna, SJ
Father Lamanna was born and raised in Spokane, at St. Francis Xavier Parish. He attended St. X, Gonzaga Prep, and Gonzaga University, after which he entered the Jesuits. His Jesuit formation took him to Portland, Spokane, and Boston. Fr. Tom taught at Gonzaga Prep for eight years, Bellarmine Prep in Tacoma for five years, in between those two assignments, he worked in the Jesuit Novitiate for 11 years as associate novice director and novice director. He is currently the pastor at St. Aloysius Parish.
Father Lamanna has worked extensively with the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, both in the 30-day format, and as the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life, also known as SEEL, or the 19th Annotation. He has directed and trained directors of the Spiritual Exercises for the past 25 years.
Father J.K. Adams, SJ
Father Adams is a native of Great Falls, Montana. He is a graduate of Gonzaga University and the Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara. He entered the Jesuits in 1985 and was ordained in 1995. Throughout his formation, he has been trained in Ignatian spirituality and spiritual direction and has directed many in the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius ,as well as through on-going direction. He has spent most of his career in secondary education, and is presently the chaplain and on faculty at Gonzaga Prep in Spokane.