Help Your Children Discover God’s Plan for Them
“For I Know Well the Plans I Have for You” Declares the Lord, “Plans to Prosper You and Not Harm You, Plans to Give You Hope and a Future.” (Jer 29:11)
“For I Know Well the Plans I Have for You” Declares the Lord, “Plans to Prosper You and Not Harm You, Plans to Give You Hope and a Future.” (Jer 29:11)
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” I ask my students that question when a new school year begins. After a few standard replies, someone will recall the ultimate answer and respond, “I want to be a saint.” Sainthood is the plan God has for us, but the way we achieve it will look different for each of us. As parents, we want our children to lead the holy, happy and prosperous lives God has planned for them, so here are some ways to help your children discover that plan.
The Invitation. Every single day, ask God to bless and guide your children toward the path he has planned for them. He will reveal it tiny bits at a time. When new talents, interests and abilities come to light, that’s God pointing the way. A wise mother once told me one of her first prayers each morning is, “Lord, please lead my children this day to whatever will make them holy.” As your children get older, invite them to begin their day the same way.
The Question. God – how would you like to use me? Every gift, talent and ability is a gift from God, and he’s got a plan for how it can be used. When we use these gifts from God to honor him, the blessings come back a hundredfold. A baseball talent might not be meant to lead to a pro career, but maybe to coach and inspire and influence many others with an example of faith and character.
The Focus. The world tells our children to seek power, money and prestige when making their life and career choices. God says to seek his glory, not yours. Our children need us to help them focus clearly.
The Treasure. God’s plan leads to our sainthood, and therein lies treasure and happiness far beyond any earthly offering. Teaching our children to invite God to reveal his plan and notice the places he’s working in their life will lead to this true treasure.