Happy The One Who Trusts In The Lord
My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Thanks and praise be to God! The pledge total for our Diocesan Services Appeal has surpassed our $5.2 million goal! This is a remarkable outcome considering the extraordinary challenges that have arisen in each of our lives this year. We are reminded again that, with God, all things are possible.
I extend to you my personal gratitude for your response to the Diocesan Services Appeal this year. Your gifts are making a difference. You are making a difference in the good work of our Catholic Church right now, in the midst of this pandemic and in the year ahead that has so much uncertainty.
One thing we can be certain of – the love of our Lord Jesus Christ and our mission to carry forth his Gospel in our words and in our actions has not, and will never, change.
Our work – the Lord’s work – carries on. Thank you for fueling our mission with your strong stewardship that helps us put our faith into action in each of our parishes and across our diocese.
“Happy the one who trusts in the Lord!” (Prv 16:20) A promise fulfilled in the Diocese of Lansing!
God bless you all!