God's Love: Pass it Along
As kids, we learned to play dominos with our grandparents. Back in the day, grandma or grandpa would dump the pile of dominos on the dining room table, we would mix them all up, put one tile in the center of the table and then begin to build “trains” of domino tiles by matching the numbers on each tile. This is a pretty traditional way of playing the game of dominos.
As kids, we learned to play dominos with our grandparents. Back in the day, grandma or grandpa would dump the pile of dominos on the dining room table, we would mix them all up, put one tile in the center of the table and then begin to build “trains” of domino tiles by matching the numbers on each tile. This is a pretty traditional way of playing the game of dominos.
The other way to play with dominos (especially as a young kid) was to set them up on end in rows and lines and curls so that, in knocking down the first tile, each of the remaining tiles would fall in a pattern that moved from one to the next. The quick-moving “plink-plink-plink” sound was music to a young child’s ears, and watching the unfolding action as dominos fell, one after the other, was mesmerizing.
This is a way to think about how God’s grace, love and mercy work in our lives. Somehow, God shares that mercy or forgiveness with us, and we must then turn to share it with whoever might be next. When we realize God’s goodness and presence in our lives, we simply have to share it. In doing so, we participate in a wave of God’s mercy and grace that can move out into the world, touching and changing not only our lives, but the lives of countless others. Some of them are known to us, but many of them may never be.
The key in all of this is that we have to be willing to hand on what has been shared with us. Think just in terms of what is possible each time we gather for Mass. We hear words of forgiveness and mercy. Share them. We give praise and glory to God. Pass it along. We hear the Word that can challenge or correct, excite and encourage. Speak it. In the Eucharist, we receive the greatest gift ever given to humanity by God. Be consumed by it. We are blessed and sent to proclaim the gospel by our life. Live it.
In this issue, you have the opportunity to meet and be inspired by some folks who are taking part in this active passing on of faith and hope in unique and beautiful ways. Whether it is in the discipline of law, the art and science of medicine, the work of the journey of faith, or the challenge of sharing the gift of faith in words on the page, this month’s stories of faith are a powerful reminder that each of us is called to pass along the gift of God’s grace, mercy and love as we live our lives as followers of Jesus each day.
Imagine the waves of God’s goodness and mercy that have touched each of us through the course of the years. Imagine how, as active followers of Jesus, we can cooperate with God’s grace and goodness to pass that along. In the end, I suppose that’s why we try to share the stories we share here—not because they are unique (although they are), but rather because they remind us that God and God’s love for us are never distant or remote. God’s love and mercy are alive and real, just waiting to be shared. And so, our journey in FAITH continues.
Father Dwight Ezop the editor-in-chief of FAITH Magazine and pastor of St. Mary Parish, Charlotte and St. Ann Church, Bellevue.