Doing justice and loving mercy
The Catholic Criminal Justice Reform Network (CCJRN), an initiative of the Lumen Christi Institute, calls for criminal justice that emphasizes mercy, rehabilitation, and the inviolable dignity of every person. CCJRN affirms the Church’s teaching that all individuals, including those convicted of crimes, are worthy of redemption. Partnering with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lumen Christi Institute has held CCJRN dialogues across the nation – including in Detroit in 2023 and 2024, and another planned for Lansing in 2025. According to Michael Le Chevallier, who spearheads the CCJRN initiative, “These dialogues have translated Catholic Social Teaching into a practical format to facilitate reform through conversations between people who have been affected by the criminal justice system, especially victims and the formerly incarcerated.” The CCJRN “Doing Justice and Loving Mercy” conference in Detroit opened with a conversation on reconciliation between a returning citizen and the prosecutor who had him sentenced to life imprisonment. Other such dialogues have taken place in Chicago, San Diego, Memphis, Milwaukee, Tallahassee, and Madison.
Learn more about CCJRN here.
Leah Bromberg is the communications director at the Lumen Christi Institute.