Discussion Guide for March Issue
- Have you ever been at meetings like this? Do you agree with Jim’s advice?
- Would you want to implement this in your home life as well?
- Ryan thinks Cathy has “let herself go” and Cathy thinks Ryan needs to deal with the fact of aging. Have you and your spouse dealt with this issue?
- What do you do to keep affection in your marriage?
- Can you share one tip for something you do to let your spouse know that you love him/her?
- What would you do if a relative stole from you?
- What if it were your child?
- How do you forgive someone you can no longer trust?
- What do you think is appropriate dress for Mass?
- How do you deal with distracting clothing on the people around you – while remembering to be charitable?
- How does our outward appearance reflect our inward disposition to Mass?
- Do you ever pray the Stations of the Cross?
- Have you prayed Pope John Paul II’s version?
- How has this devotion affected your prayer life?
- Are you praying this or a different devotion for Lent?
- Single-parent families are a sad reality of life. The Church says that “people need to be accepted in the concrete circumstances of life” – how do we show that acceptance as a parish? As individuals?
- What are some ways we could support single parents we know?
- How much did you know about Humanae Vitae before you read Bishop Boyea’s column?
- Have you read the document?
- What impact do these teachings have on your life?
- What do you do to ‘stand up’ for your faith?
- Do you ever talk to family, friends, or coworkers about your faith? What ideas do you have for how to open those conversations?
- Have you ever felt as hopeless as Jessie? What turned life around for you?
- When you are in moments of despair, like Jessie, how do you see God?
- Does this story prompt you to take some action in your life? What?
Fedewa siblings feature and Saint of the Month
- Do any of your siblings have the same life work as you do?
- What do you think prompts multiple vocations in families like the Fedewas or in Saints Gregory and Basil?
- How would you feel if one or more of your children had a vocation to religious life?
- Have you ever discussed religious vocations as a life possibility with your children?
- Ralph and Tina use their musical gifts to serve God and others – what are your talents? How could you use them in some way to be a disciple for the Lord?