Immaculate Heart Retreat Center Update
During these truly unprecedented times - and as the grace-filled season of Lent prepares us for the joys of Easter - know that all of us who are engaged in our diocese’s retreat ministry support you with prayer. We do indeed pray that you and your family are safe and well.
Since last summer, Immaculate Heart has been serving the community as a temporary COVID-19 isolation center. Scores of individuals and families have been given refuge at the center. In these times of uncertainty, we have been blessed to serve others in this rare fashion. The contract IHRC has with the Spokane County Regional Health District for the use of the facility has been extended through May - and remains renewable on a monthly basis thereafter. Once the need no longer exists for Immaculate Heart to function as an isolation center, we eagerly will welcome back our guests for retreats, days of prayer, and other programs of spiritual enrichment. What “retreat ministry” will look like as our society guardedly emerges from the hold of the coronavirus is unknown. During this time, while IHRC has been assisting people with health issues, the ministry has continued off-site as much as possible with televised Mass, mornings of prayer, and spiritual direction. A planning committee has been meeting regularly to bring design to an uncertain future. We pray to our Blessed Mother Mary and to St. Joseph, our benefactor, for their intercession. Please keep us in your prayers.
Remember to visit our website for information on mornings of prayer and virtual retreats.
God bless you and your family, and stay safe! We are a hopeful people.
Your servant in Christ,
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
Director, Immaculate Heart