From the Director’s Desk
During a recent time of spiritual respite sought in the chapel at Immaculate Heart Retreat Center, I found my eyes wandering about its familiar walls. For many decades now, those walls have anchored our diocese’s retreat ministry. My thoughts turned to those whom God has touched and healed at Immaculate Heart—often in that very place of worship. I gazed around the chapel, with its high ceiling and marble wall, its large crucifix, the gleaming tabernacle, the subtly hung Stations of the Cross, the secluded confessionals and, above all, the central Altar of Eucharistic Sacrifice. These surroundings have embraced so many hearts that have hungered for a life-giving encounter with God. I thought of the many groups of bishops, priests, deacons, ministers, seminarians, students, young adults, religious, and laity who have been touched by God’s love in that holy place, not to mention the numerous individuals whose testimonies to conversion, blessing, and healing are known only to God. Indeed, our diocese is very blessed to have such a rich retreat apostolate that has nourished our spiritual lives for more than half a century!
During my visit, I found inspiration in a passage a friend once shared with me from the Letter to the Hebrews (3:4-6): “Every house is founded by someone, but God is the founder of all.” The thought occurred to me that IHRC, originally established to house a scattering of retreat opportunities under a single roof, truly is a “house.” It is a house in the scriptural sense: a community of believers who cherish their identity and heritage, and who know that they are under God’s protective promise. The passage continues: “It is we who are that house if we hold fast to our confidence and the hope of which we boast.”
I am confident that, in some form, the diocese’s multifaceted retreat ministry will survive these challenging times. But, the journey forward will not be easy. We must encourage one another, convinced that with common effort we can sustain this ministry for generations to come. We are God’s “house” and we who are blessed with our rich legacy have a unique opportunity to turn our appreciation into action. Please pray for us at Immaculate Heart; we need your help!
God bless you.
Your Servant in Christ,
Deacon John Ruscheinsky, Director
Daily Virtual Retreats
Deacon John Ruscheinsky’s Daily Virtual Retreats •