Special Report: Clergy Sex Abuse Update - Charts

Priests active in Diocese of Lansing

Priests subject to a credible allegation of sexual abuse of a minor

Number of Victims

Date of alleged abuse

Date when alleged abuse reported

NOTE: As of Sept. 24, 2019, the Diocese of Lansing has reported that 17 clerics serving within the Diocese of Lansing were the subject of a credible allegation of sexual abuse of a minor. (Visit dioceseofl ansing.org for more information.) These 17 clerics were the subject of allegations alleging abuse against 73 victims: 66 boys, 4 girls, 3 unknown. This chart shows the dates these allegations were reported to the diocese and the dates of the alleged abuse; the chart is based on the best information available to the diocese as of the present date. Three allegations have been omitted from the chart because the allegation – or the report of the allegation – included no date or year of alleged abuse; other allegations included a range of years when the abuse was alleged to have occurred and have been placed in the most appropriate decade.