Catholics Staying Connected
During this unprecedented crisis, Catholics have found creative ways to stay connected with God, the Church, and each other. Whether it was learning to livestream Mass, or figuring out new ways to teach the faith remotely, members of the Church have met the challenge.
Catholics have been charitable. Catholics have been generous. Catholics have said “thank you” to those who are reaching out to them during this crisis. Catholics have continued to connect with one another in the midst of adversity.
Here are just a few examples of how the Church has continued to shine the light of Christ in these dark times.
Holy Family Parish in Kirkland, Wash., encouraged parishioners to create prayer tables at home and share photos on social media.
With the pandemic came a host of additional problems for many people, especially those who have been hit hard by the economic crisis and unemployment. Catholic Charities agencies across the country continue to assist those most in need. In Tulsa, volunteer Brent Partee helps gather food for 300-400 families a day, about five times what they did before the pandemic. (Courtesy Eastern Oklahoma Catholic)
Volunteers from the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Sacramento, Calif., provide brown bag lunches to the homeless four days a week. As the number of guests has grown in recent weeks, they have been blessed by the generosity of parish members, local support and free delivery by Paratransit, a fully accessible transportation service.
The Joyful Noise Children's Choir of St. Simon Parish in San Jose, Calif., shared a virtual performance on Easter Sunday of "Join in the Dance.”
Since the Senior Center in Laredo, Texas, closed for the pandemic, the staff of Catholic Charities has been delivering meals and groceries to the elderly. Bishop James Tamayo visits and prays with them.
Holy Eucharist Parish in Falmouth, Me., made 1,000 fabric masks for area hospitals, jails and shelters — and continue to make more.
Bishop Deely in the Diocese of Portland, Me., granted permission for pastors to hold Masses in parking lots with clear conditions for maintaining social distancing.
The Newman Club at Montclair State University in the Diocese of Newark produces the talk show “Quarantined Catholics,” which airs on Facebook Live to keep connected with college students sheltering at home.
Third-graders at St. Patrick School in Parnell, in the Diocese of Grand Rapids, used household items to make crosses that serve as a reminder of God’s presence even in the midst of a pandemic.
In Nashville, Tenn., Catholic Charities’ annual Pathways to Possibilities fundraiser met its goal despite having to convert its in-person event to a virtual one. By May 6, more than $100,000 had been received, and donations continued to come in. The funds will be used to help communities in the Diocese of Nashville hit March 3 by a deadly tornado.
In Chatham, Ill., St. Joseph the Worker Parish donated its entire Easter collection to three food banks and a ministry to the homeless in their community.
Preschool teachers at St. Andrew Early Childhood Center in Raleigh, N.C., organized a parade so children could tell teachers goodbye when the school year ended abruptly. Almost all of the 120 children participated.