Catholic Foundation Grants to Strengthen Community
The Catholic Foundation awarded 32 grants this year to schools, parishes, and diocesan agencies in two categories: religious education and community outreach. The foundation has been operating its grant program for 38 years, each year growing in depth and volume. The current board of trustees is grateful to the board of 1983 (then in an embryonic stage with the foundation launched just two years prior) for its vision in establishing the grants program.
We are pleased to present the Catholic Foundation’s 2021 grant recipients:
- Walla Walla parishes: Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire platform
- WSU Newman Center: Retreats and spirituality resources for campus ministry teams under leadership of Father Heric
- EWU Newman Center: Conferences and retreats for campus ministry teams under leadership of Father Kuttner
- Holiday meal outreach by Secular Franciscans in Dayton, Washington
- St. Francis Guild at Sacred Heart Parish in Pullman, Washington: Meeting the urgent needs of people
- St. Vincent Parish, Connell: Bilingual retreat
- Holy Family Parish, Clarkston: New community garden project
- St. Patrick Parish, Colfax: Homeschool Co-Op
- Holy Rosary Parish, Pomeroy: Backpack program. Each backpack feeds a child in need every week for 10 weeks in the summer
- Okanogan/Tonasket parishes: Assist with needs of low-income people
- Lourdes Cathedral: Funds for a music workshop for music liturgists of the diocese
- Lourdes Cathedral: FOCUS, a new program of evangelization and discipleship
- Lourdes Cathedral: Stipend toward closing Mass and Corpus Christi festival and conclusion celebration of Year of the Eucharist
- St. Francis Xavier Parish: FOCUS, a new program of evangelization and discipleship
- St. Vincent de Paul program at Mary Queen Parish: Emphasis on eviction prevention
- Diocesan Office of Vocations: Discipleship – first program
- St Mary Parish, Spokane Valley: Family Faith Nights
- St. Mary Parish, Spokane Valley: FOCUS, a new program of evangelization and discipleship
- St. Joseph Parish on Dean: Religious education classes
- St. Augustine Parish: Catechetical enhancements, including renovated baptismal font
- Immaculate Heart Retreat Center: High school retreats for students from Gonzaga Prep and Tri-Cities Prep
- Natural Family Planning
- Catholic Charities: Family Nutrition Program
- Chesterton Academy: New desks and chairs
- St. Thomas More School: Theology of the Body curriculum
- Gonzaga Prep: After school program for youth at Gonzaga Family Haven
- Assumption School: Assessing Religious Learning Test
- Trinity School: After school program for middle school students
- Sacred Heart Parish, Brewster: Youth ministry and religious education
- St. Joseph Parish, Dayton: Project Timothy, serving low-income people with financial support. All staff members are volunteers
- St. Mary of the Rosary Parish, Chewelah, Washington: TASTY Kids’ Summer Food Program
- Holy Family Parish, Clarkston: Vacation Bible School
St. Vincent de Paul at St. Patrick Parish, Pasco, Receives Lieb Grant
In 1998, Lucille Lieb created the Frank, Anna, Madeleine, and Lucille Leib Memorial Endowment, honoring her family and recognizing the generous support they gave to the poor and marginalized people of the Spokane community.
The Catholic Foundation has managed the Lieb Endowment since its inception.
Through annual cash distributions, the endowment supports the House of Charity, programs of Catholic Charities assisting the poor, Our Place Community Ministries, and Immaculate Heart Retreat Center.
The Catholic Foundation’s trustees determine annually which charity should receive 20% of the endowment return, according to Lucille Lieb’s directive. Her stipulation requires the organization selected by the board serve the poor and the elderly.
Past recipients have included Providence DominiCare in Chewelah, Holy Family Adult Day Care in Clarkston, L’Arche, Meals on Wheels, St. Vincent de Paul at Lourdes Cathedral, Immaculate Conception Parish in Republic, Missionary Sisters of Charity (who reside at St. Patrick Parish, Spokane) and Persons in Need, a new program at St. Anthony’s Parish in Newport.
The Catholic Foundation has selected the St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Patrick Parish in Pasco to receive the Lieb grant this year. Congratulations to Father Turner, pastor, and his SVdP staff!