Called to Announce the Gospel!
Pastors and parish leaders gathered for two days, Nov. 19-20, to become energized by the Holy Spirit and to hear speakers explain how to engage in the New Evangelization.
This Diocesan Assembly was the culmination of a year of prayer in response to Bishop Boyea’s pastoral letter, Go and Announce the Gospel of the Lord, and was the first of three assemblies that will continue our call to discipleship and evangelization.
Participants left with some key points:
- First and foremost, we are all called to prayer. The bishop asked that every person pray for our diocese, for evangelization and that we all become intentional disciples of Jesus Christ.
- Parishes are being asked by the bishop to present at least two encounter opportunities, such as Christ Renews His Parish, Life in the Spirit, Cursillo and others.
- Pastoral teams are encouraged to create a structure for discipleship groups in the parish to which all parishioners can be invited and welcomed to join.
- Every parish is unique and has its own set of circumstances. This process is not a program and therefore depends on the discernment of the pastor and his team. Each parish will decide how they are going to engage in this.
Approximately 850 people heard speakers that included Deacon Ralph Poyo, Sister Ann Shields, Dr. Dan Keating, Claudia Sailsman, Ileana Iglesias, Father Michael White and Brian Crook.
The next assembly will occur in 2016 and all Catholics in the Diocese of Lansing will be invited to participate.
For more information about the New Evangelization, contact Craig Pohl, director of the Office of New Evangelization, cpohl@dioceseoflansing.org.