| By The Witness to Hope Capital Campaign Accountability Oversight Committee

Accountability Oversight Committee 2020 Annual Report



When the Witness to Hope Capital Campaign was launched, few would have guessed that we would be amid a pandemic three years later! However, scripture provides us comfort, so that we need not be ruled by fear. “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides.” (Mt. 6:33)

One of the objectives Bishop Boyea and the campaign’s Steering Committee set was to encourage a greater sense of stewardship throughout the Diocese. God has provided so much for us, even sending his Son to die for us while we were sinners and giving us the Holy Spirit. Our response would be to turn to Jesus in love and, in gratitude, return to Him our whole lives, including prayer, serving others with our time and talents, and a portion of our material resources.

The campaign continues to be evidence of that: the people of our Diocese have generously responded to this call. We are so thankful for your ongoing faithfulness! As of June 2020, more than $58 million has been received and distributed in support of the campaign’s published goals. Approximately $23 million in pledges remain to be paid over the remaining two years of the campaign. Not unexpectedly, a number of donors have informed the Foundation that they are unable to fulfill their pledges. Accordingly, $1.6 million in pledges have been written off through 6/30/2020. In the future, other pledges may be determined to be uncollectible or collectible at a reduced amount.

The Accountability Oversight Committee has reviewed the materials provided to us by the staff of The Catholic Foundation and the Diocese of Lansing’s Department of Finance. We have also had discussions with the independent auditors. Based upon these materials and the follow-on discussions, we believe that this Annual Report accurately reflects the results of the Witness to Hope Capital Campaign through June 30, 2020, and that the receipts and disbursements of campaign funds are being administered in a timely and proper fashion, consistent with campaign policies and guidelines.

Should you have questions or comments about this report or the campaign, please contact John Madigan, President of The Catholic Foundation at 517.253.8738 or at jmadigan@dioceseoflansing.org.


The Witness to Hope Capital Campaign Accountability Oversight Committee