Your Stories
A sunnie outlook
An authentically Catholic vision for tackling poverty
Outreach through the ether
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in East Lansing celebrates 40 years of broadcasting.
Affirming our kids with God's loving truth
Focus on the ways we encourage and build our children up with God’s loving truth. Here are a few ideas to help with this important work.
Christmas Short Story Contest: The trial of Ebenezer Scrooge
Your Life
Local Initiatives: Strengthening our Catholic foundation at the parish level
“We seek to form and inspire young people who will bring a new order to our culture so that the salvation won for us in Jesus Christ can be shared by our society and the world.” – Bishop Earl Boyea
Your Faith
Waiting for God
Developing a thirst in family life for the coming of the Lord
Saying ‘yes’ to God each day
We are not called to periodic obedience, but to a daily and often hidden consent to whatever God asks of us.
Choose life: To make no choice is death
Early Church texts deal with “Two Ways,” the way of death and the way of life. What might we find in the Old Testament which sets the foundation for these two ways?