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 | By Jim Berlucchi

My Boss is Demanding and Unpredictable


I love my job and earn a great living, but my new boss is demanding and unpredictable. He’s starting to dominate my thoughts and emotions. What can I do?

It’s natural to start obsessing over a bad boss. You must control your thought life or your thought life will control you. It’s a battle, and these disciplines can help:

  • At the outset of each day, use your forethought to imagine every positive engagement or task. Take a moment to savor the associated good emotion.
  • Make a list of all the plusses of your job that you take for granted. Be very specific – the lighting, temperature, good technology, a co-worker, etc.
  • Consciously focus on your work itself throughout the day – how you are meeting and overcoming each challenge. “Whatever your task, work heartily, as serving the Lord and not men.” (Col 3:23)
  • Start your day with mental prayer and end your day with thanksgiving. Pray for the peace of Christ which surpasses all understanding.
  • When you have a bad encounter with your boss, immediately pray for resilience – a fantastic human virtue that is perfected by desire, grace and practice.
  • Keep it light. As much as possible, stir up a sense of humor. It’s OK to let off steam with a friend as long as that’s the intent, and not complaining or slandering your boss.